Get Involved

The success of the Art Party would not be possible without the contribution of our sponsors, donors, volunteers, participants and attendees.  People often ask us if we need help, and the answer is a resounding
 Without the help of hundreds of kind people, The Art Party would be nothing but chaos and confusion! (And probably some wine.)

Butchers, bakers, candlestick makers…?  We need you.  Builders, Marketeers, Copy-Writers, Bloggers, Organizers…?  We need you.

Can you use a spread sheet?  Can you drive a car?  Can you breathe?  Can you house an Artist or Performer? Are you a therapist?

We need you.

Click on the tabs below and tell us how you want to get involved.

  • Sponsor

    Become a sponsor and increase your company’s visibility. Your name will live eternally on our scrolling sponsor banner, generating incredible goodwill from the community for supporting arts and culture in the South Bay.

  • Donate

    If you are even rolling over this button, we can tell you right away that we LOVE you. Your tax-deducible monetary contributions supports art and culture in the South Bay. In-Kind contributions are also vastly appreciated.

  • Volunteer

    If you have time and skills, we can use you! Writers, marketers, photographers, builders, administrative geniuses, and people with drivers' licenses. We need you.

  • Participate

    Find out about participating as an artist, performer, or organization by clicking through the expandable sections on the Submissions page.

  • Attend

    The party is nothing without YOU! The sooner we know how many people we can count on, the sooner we’ll know how big to make this event. Buy tickets early and often! Plan a cool outfit.


Tell your friends!

 The greatest help you could give us would be to get the word out!