Poetry on Demand

Transpose your personal dramas and random thoughts into meter….or free verse

Poetry on Demand available 7pm-9pm

Advice is extra


Jennifer Swanton Brown

Jennifer Swanton Brown (mom, daughter, knitter, nurse, teacher, poet, swimmer) is a virtuosic malapropist and spends way too much time looking out of windows.


 Allison Landa

Allison Landa loves you, but not your doggy style.

Pushpa McFarlane

“I fell into poetry, and would like to remain there.”



Erin Redfern

Though she used to think Downtown Julie Brown had the coolest gig in the world, Erin now knows that nothing beats her job as a writing mentor. You can read more of her own work at ErinRedfern.net.


Amanda Williiansen

Despite her selection of “The Vegetarian Dreams About Bacon” to read tonight, poet Amanda Williamsen will celebrate her 20th vegiversary this December.  

Scorpiana Xlent

Scorpiana Xlent is a hairstyling poet superhero who can leap xtra large coffees and bars of chocolate while writing poems and maintaining a perfect hairstyle.